


Rio is famous the world over for its carnival before the start of Lent on Mardi Gras. I believe it stretches out over a few days due to the scale of the event but it is certainly a bit different to the pancake day which is how we celebrate the occasion back in the UK.

It would have been good to be in town during the festivities but I would have had to miss out on so many of the great waves I enjoyed through Central America and we all know what my priorities are on this trip.

The costumes and the of course the women are amazing and it is certainly something I would return to Brazil for at a later date.

Sambódromo 2The Sambódromo is a permanent grandstand lined parade avenue which is used during Carnival.

I did get to see the Sambodromo but was more likely to see tumble weed when I was there than a parade of dancing girls.

Sambódromo 4It was hard to believe that such a dull street is party central for the entire planet every year.

Apparantly anybody can take part if they put together a costume. They usually cost hundreds of pounds and take hours of work, but I am not sure the world is ready for me in sequined hot pants just yet.


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