Bobby’s Surf Camp at G-Land is right in the middle of the jungle. Apart from the three surf camps lining the shore there really isn’t anything here and the undergrowth around the camps is virtually impenetrable without a huge machete and an awful lot of elbow grease.
As you can see even the trees are angry here!
Because of the remote nature of the break the WiFi here was somewhat lacking which meant I have once again got a wee bit behind in my posts, so my apologies for the glut of posts now I have got a decent signal and a bit of time on my hands.
I will try to add them as gradually as I can but have a lot to update you on.
I didn’t see any wildlife in the water here but saw an abundance of it on dry land. There were spider monkeys and loads more of the macaque monkeys which I had seen in Lombok. The Javanese version are not quite as aggressive but much better at stealing food.
One guy had a chicken sandwich snatched from under his nose whilst he reached for the salt at the dinner table!
There weren’t just mammals here though. I saw ants that were half as long as your finger, bats, toucans, wild pigs, geckos and there was a huge spider, about the size of your fist, in our bathroom who I called Boris. Visits to the toilet started with kicking the seat to make sure he wasn’t hanging about underneath it!
However by far the most impressive were the five foot long monitor lizards that would crawl out of the jungle and across the camp as they headed for the kitchens in search of an easy meal.
There were also a number of green and brown snakes spotted. Most impressive of these was the Green Temple Viper which somebody saw in a tree above the footpath through the jungle to Kongs.
It was wrapped around something it had killed, which meant it wouldn’t be hungry and wouldn’t be interested in all of the surfers at the camp. Good job because they attack by dropping from trees and then bite their victims in the face! Their venom is highly poisonous, and it is known locally as the three steps snake because that is how far you get before the venom gets the better of you. Nice!
Whilst we were watching the waves one day we were joined by a herd of wild deer on the beach. I managed to get a few photos before they decided to run off.
However I suspect they ran off in the wrong direction because they ran up the little creek next to our camp in which an eight foot crocodile had been spotted about an hour before!