Neighbours 4

The gardens at the Riviera are full of wildlife, some of which gets closer than I would have expected.

This bird has made its nest in the young palm tree whose leaves lean into the shade of my porch. 

Riviera Guest

There are humming birds busily going around all the trees, and even the insects are really funky. This one landed on my sofa the other day.

My patio area had a door at the entrance which at first I thought must be some sort of child gate or other, however after leaving it open while I went surfing the other evening I came home to find a group of toads partying under the cool of my fans. the gate is now shut but I should add that no boots were required for the removal of the toads!

MacawThe air is full of exotic birds and I can see Macaws chasing each other through the sky almost all day long.

I have no idea what menacing creatures may lurk in the sea here but thus far, and I hope it stays that way, I have nothing to report.

Not even a fish!


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