Mal Pais Cove 4

There is definitely swell around but I’m having a day off to recharge my batteries.

I use the time to explore the local area, buy some fresh fish from the fisherman who landed it and have a few beers at some of the wonderful bars which overlook the coastline here in Mal Pais.

This area has been developed considerably over recent years, but still retains its charm. Mel Gibson, Gisele Budchen, and a number of successful IT geeks have bought property down here and developed designer beach pads to enjoy in their time off.

Mal Pais Cove 9It is as cool as 32C today so I can cope with riding on the quad bike in the midday sun.

This was one view I enjoyed while exploring the area and contemplating my next move with the aid of a cold beer.

I also replaced my flip flops buying a pair of Reef sandals which have handy bottle openers installed in the soles of each feet. Dont ask me what they cost because I think I got my man maths a bit confused doing the exchange rate, resulting in me purchasing an obscenely priced pair. However I’m sure I will be making good use of those bottle openers in the weeks and months to come!

The rest of the day was spent drinking the local Pilsen beer and have a great laugh with Dave, Tiffany, Svetlana, Rodrigo and Nils back at base.


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