


I have reached Christchurch on the East coast of the South Island of New Zealand. As I do so it occurs to me that it will be the furthest point away from home that I will be on my travels 

In 2011 the city was absolutely devastated by a huge earthquake and a number of large after shocks that followed. Many lives were lost and large parts of the city were ruined by the quake and the scale of its impact is still there for all to see.

Road Crack

Many significant buildings both old and new were left unusable. This included the city’s rugby stadium which was going to be used in the rugby world cup held in New Zealand later in the year.

Driving around the city I can see there is still loads of repair work to do. Plenty of huge buildings are still shored up with scaffolding and a huge section of the city itself is fenced off as a construction site.

Farm helpI didn’t take my van for a spin along this particular stretch of road but saw several places like it. It is such a shame because the city clearly had a lot of character.

In an effort to retain that charm the most wonderful story I have heard of in relation to the earthquake was that of the ‘Farmy Army’. In the aftermath of the quake all the farmers from the surrounding hills filled up their pick ups with food and drink, chucked a spade and some tools in the back with them and descended on mass to the city to help out wherever they could.

Every now and then one is quite proud of the human race.


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