Tached Up 2That is the question.

Looking a litle less Gringo certainly helped through Mexico  because until I opened my mouth everybody assumed I was a local.

I do believe that sporting one may yet help a bit as I go further south because it makes me look a little less green.

However here in Guatemala it doesn’t matter what state my facial hair is because I am nearly a foot taller than everybody so I stick out like a sore thumb.

To illustrate this, here is a picture of one of the residence’s security guards stood next to the Little Green Surf Machine:

Car SecurityYou can see that he is barely taller than the car whereas the roof only comes up to my chest.

I am having to do almost daily trimming of my moustache and for all the hassle I might just as well be clean shaven so am thinking of getting rid of it. What do you think?


2 Responses to “To Tache Or Not To Tache”

  1. Neil Stafford says:

    I think that mug shot may be on the FBI/CIA most wanted list! 🙂

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