Surf Shack3I had gone to sleep listening to waves crashing on to the shore a few metres away, and wake to this image which should give you some idea of how rustic the place is. As soon as I leave to check the waves I am savaged by sand flies which bite me so many times I look like I have chicken pox!

San Blas BreakThe noise through the night must have been deceptive because it is practically flat. However I am desperate to break my Mexican duck and Pompis lends me his 9′ board and tells me to head alongside the second breakwater you can sea in the distance here.

I wont tell you it was great because it wasnt but I did get two rides right along the breakwater which I am stoked about. Finally I can claim to have surfed in Mexico, and in just board shorts and a rash vest too. Whilst in the water I was being watched by about 100 pelicans on the breakwater who were passing judgement on my technique, and I saw my by now usual dolphins in the water, loads of fish (no angry ones), but also a foot long green lizard which I am later told was probably an iguana.

Surf Shack5Back to the shack (mine is the small one with the blue drum in front of it) to get changed and will head south again.

There is no point sticking around if there is no waves.


2 Responses to “Wave 30 – The Second Jetty, San Blas, Narayit”

  1. John (Huntington Beach) says:

    Man! The sand fleas and mosquitos are INSANE is San Blas! We used to get ready in our car and run to the water for dawn sessions there. When the sun is shining but at dusk and dawn it’s a mad house of blood sucking bugs.

    I also wanted to mention that I can’t believe the F#@king Ozzies left you out in the middle of nowhere in Baja. That is super lame and they will suffer for it down the road.

    Take care and enjoy the warm water and heat……it’s only going to get warmer and hotter!


  2. John (Huntington Beach) says:

    BTW- in that last post I meant to say “when the sun is shining it’s beautiful there but at dust and dawn….”

    Roll on!!!!

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